Breezy HR and Checkr Logo

Seamless Hiring Meets Simple Background Checks

Manage the entire hiring process from job posting & candidate application to offer & background check with Breezy’s applicant tracking system. Use Breezy and Checkr together to provide the ideal candidate experience and hire the best candidates faster.

Full Feature 14-Day Trial
No Credit Card Needed
Full Feature 14-Day Trial
No Credit Card Needed

Automated, Flexible, and Compliant

Use Breezy with Checkr to win back time wasted on manual work.

Background checks for the modern workforce:

  • Fastest turnaround time in the industry by 35%
  • Time-savings from reduction in manual work
  • Mobile-friendly candidate experience
  • Easy to order reports and easy to understand results
  • Built-in compliance and NAPBS-certified
magnifying glass over the checkr logo

Why Breezy?

Why team up with us? Our award-winning, feature-rich applicant tracking system is the choice ATS for over 17,000 companies across 83 countries. You recommend Breezy to your clients and customers, and we pay you for every deal we close!

You're in Good Company

According to Gartner we're the most highly rated HR and Applicant Tracking product in Customer Satisfaction.

Are you ready?

Start optimizing your recruiting process today.

Join the thousands of companies already hiring with Breezy HR.

Full Feature 14-Day Trial
No Credit Card Needed
Are you ready?

Start improving employee performance with real conversations.

Join the companies speaking up for success in Perform

Full Feature 14-Day Trial
No Credit Card Needed