We ❤️ Criteria Corp
Let us show you how we've integrated Criteria Corp to help you streamline your hiring process. Tell us a little about yourself.
Simple, Automated, Flexible
Make BetterTalent Decisions
Your goal is to build the best team. Our goal is to help you get there with multidimensional assessments, backed by science and delivered through our robust and user-friendly platform.
Why Breezy?
Why team up with us? Our award-winning, feature-rich applicant tracking system is the choice ATS for over 17,000 companies across 83 countries. You recommend Breezy to your clients and customers, and we pay you for every deal we close!
Why Breezy Perform?
Breezy Perform streamlines performance management, making it easy to set goals, give feedback, and track progress. With intuitive tools and seamless integration with top HR systems like Gusto, your clients can boost employee engagement and drive success across their teams.
You recommend Breezy Perform to your clients and customers, and we pay you for every deal we close!
You're in Good Company
According to Gartner we're the most highly rated HR and Applicant Tracking product in Customer Satisfaction.
Start optimizing your recruiting process today.
Join the thousands of companies already hiring with Breezy HR.
Start improving employee performance with real conversations.
Join the companies speaking up for success in Perform