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July 18, 2024

60+ Positive Things to Say in an Employee Performance Review

A woman giving a man positive feedback

It’s one thing to jot down all the constructive criticism you want to deliver in an employee performance review. It’s an entirely different thing to actually say it.

According to our research at Breezy, 61% of employers rely on performance reviews to boost employee retention. But no matter how well-intentioned, your feedback systems are only as strong as the conversations managers and direct reports are having.

For employee check-ins that are both positive and productive, start with the following phrases categorized according to Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen’s widely recognized three-category feedback framework.



  • Thank you for setting a positive example for the team with your near-perfect attendance. Your dependability is inspiring!
  • Punctuality matters here. We appreciate your commitment to being present and on time.
  • Your consistent attendance sets a great example for the team.


  • Your attendance record reflects your high level of professionalism. Let's continue to prioritize that.
  • What are some ways your attendance can help further develop your leadership abilities?
  • Your attendance shows your commitment to the team. Let's make sure it's recognized.


  • You only missed five days last year and had seven late arrivals. Your attendance looks great overall, but let's work on arriving on time consistently.
  • Good attendance overall. With a little more consistency, it will be even better.
  • You've done well with attendance; let's make sure you stay on track.

Time management


  • Your attention to detail and commitment to quality are exceptional.
  • I appreciate your commitment to completing tasks, even when there are challenges affecting time management.
  • Despite some time management challenges, your willingness to ask for assistance and seek solutions is always thoughtful and appreciated.


  • Let's focus on strategies to help you with time management. How do you currently prioritize your tasks?
  • Some time management techniques that have helped me are time blocking and using a free time tracking app. What have you tried so far?
  • When we can’t meet deadlines, it sets back the rest of the team. How can we avoid this in the future?


  • Let’s look at time management as an area for improvement, as there have been instances of missed deadlines.
  • Your work quality is good, but managing timelines more effectively would help us complete tasks that are important to other teams.
  • Let's work together to improve time management skills so we can see fewer missed deadlines and get more tasks done in a timely manner.

Communication skills


  • The whole team values your proactive approach to communication. You always keep us on track in meetings!
  • Your dedication to improving your communication skills is admirable. It demonstrates your deep commitment to growth.
  • We appreciate your positive attitude towards improving communication. It sets a strong example for the rest of the team.


  • Let's build on your communication foundation by focusing on two key areas: active listening and refining your message delivery.
  • What are some ways we could bring more confidence and clarity to your communication style?
  • Communication is an area where we can all improve. What observations or suggestions do you have about the way our team communicates?


  • You have a great foundation for communication skills and with some improvement, you could be an excellent communicator.
  • Strengthening your communication skills will lead to even more effective collaboration and understanding within the team.
  • By enhancing your communication skills, you can convey ideas with clarity and impact, which is key to progressing into future roles.



  • Thank you for your willingness to support and collaborate with your team members. It really helps us build a positive team dynamic.
  • We recognize and appreciate your efforts to contribute positively to team projects. Your interpersonal skills help us keep moving forward.
  • Despite challenges, your commitment to improving your teamwork skills is commendable. It’s helping us build a stronger team culture.


  • Let's work on developing stronger communication and cooperation skills. What are some steps we can take to make it easier to work with the rest of the team?
  • We’ve seen that active participation in team discussions can streamline our decision-making processes and improve working relationships. Let’s practice at our next check-in.
  • What areas of improvement have you noticed in the way our team collaborates?


  • Your teamwork skills are improving, particularly in our weekly team meetings.
  • There have been instances where enhancing your teamwork skills could have led to better outcomes for the team.
  • Our team culture has improved. Let’s keep developing your teamwork skills so we can continue to build a cohesive and productive team environment.

Quality of work


  • Your last project was a testament to your dedication to producing high-quality work. Thank you!
  • Your attention to detail exceeds expectations and sets a positive standard for the team.
  • Your commitment to delivering quality outputs is clearly reflected in your work.


  • Let's focus on refining your processes to enhance the quality of your work. Can you describe your current process so we can take a closer look at it step by step?
  • It’s okay to ask for feedback on your work. Let’s change our meetings from bi-weekly to weekly until we can get the quality back on track.
  • What have you noticed about our current standards and procedures? Do you have any suggestions for how we can elevate them for better quality of work?


  • Your work quality has shown improvement, but there is still room to enhance certain areas.
  • In some areas, there have been instances of quality issues that need to be addressed.
  • Strengthening the quality of your work will not only benefit individual projects but also the overall team performance.



  • The team values your willingness to tackle challenges head-on and engage.
  • Your efforts to brainstorm innovative ideas and creative solutions are appreciated.
  • Your proactive approach to addressing complex issues shows leadership skills and a strong problem-solving mindset.


  • Let's work on enhancing your analytical skills to improve your problem-solving capabilities.
  • Navigating complex situations is never easy. How can we break this problem down into smaller components?
  • Developing a systematic approach to problem-solving can help make your decision-making process easier. Let’s start by understanding what your current process looks like.


  • Your problem-solving skills have shown improvement. Keep applying your critical thinking skills to solve challenges effectively.
  • There have been instances where refining your problem-solving techniques could lead to more efficient resolutions.
  • Strengthening your problem-solving abilities will not only benefit your individual performance but also contribute to the entire team's success.



  • The team values your flexibility and willingness to adapt to changes in work situations.
  • Your open-mindedness and ability to embrace new challenges set a great example for the rest of us.
  • We appreciate your efforts to navigate evolving work environments with resilience and positivity.


  • What strategies can we develop to quickly adjust to changing industry trends?
  • Let’s practice being proactive in learning new skills. Embracing change will help us grow as a team and become more adaptable when the next change comes.
  • Improving your ability to pivot and adapt will strengthen your performance. How can I support you in finding a new way forward with these changes?


  • Your problem-solving skills have shown improvement. Continue to apply critical thinking to solve challenges as they arise, checking in with your supervisor as needed.
  • There have been instances where we could have identified more efficient solutions for the team.
  • Strengthening your problem-solving abilities will not only benefit your individual performance, it will help the entire team reach their performance goals.

3 core types of employee feedback for effective performance reviews

Whether you’re delivering positive or negative feedback, these three core types of feedback – appreciation, coaching and evaluation – can help you categorize the points you want to discuss in your next employee performance appraisal.

Let’s take a closer look at each one, including broad appraisal phrases that can be great additions to your reviews or weekly check-ins.

1. Appreciation feedback

This type of feedback focuses the performance evaluation on the positive contributions of your employees, including any “hard” and “soft” competencies like developing innovative solutions, maintaining a strong work ethic, and adherence to company policies. It emphasizes acknowledgment of a job well done, which can be a big boost to morale and motivation.

Example phrases:

  • Thank you.
  • Well done!
  • Nice work.
  • Great job.
  • I really love what you’re doing.
  • We couldn’t have done it without you.
  • Your hard work is appreciated.
  • Your positive attitude does not go unnoticed.
  • You’re setting a strong example for others.
  • Your commitment is a big asset to our team.

Tips for delivering Appreciation feedback:

  • Share the positive impact of their behavior
  • Offer examples of behaviors you want to keep seeing
  • Use the words ‘well done’ and ‘thank you’ gratuitously!

2. Coaching feedback

Coaching feedback is exactly what it sounds like. It’s all about providing guidance, mentorship, and support to help employees break through blockers and knock their performance goals out of the park. This type of feedback is all about increasing employee engagement and co-developing a clear plan for follow-up.

Example phrases:

  • You really challenged yourself with that last project.
  • It’s been amazing to watch you learn and grow.
  • How did that go?
  • What did you think?
  • Do you mind if I share a couple of observations?
  • Is there any more specific direction that I can provide?
  • What can you and I do to address this?
  • Is there anything that I can do differently?
  • Your professional growth is important to me.

Tips for delivering coaching feedback:

  • Share specific examples of things that worked well
  • Share specific examples of areas that could be improved
  • Agree on next steps

3. Evaluation feedback

This type of feedback is all about helping the employee understand their current performance and identify any areas for improvement and coaching. Depending on your review process, it may be paired with data from your performance rating system.

Example phrases:

  • Your performance in this area has shown improvement and promise.
  • It's important to acknowledge the progress you've made in this aspect.
  • While there has been growth, this area still needs improvement.
  • Your skills in this area have contributed positively to your overall performance.
  • Let's discuss how to further enhance your effectiveness.
  • It's essential to recognize the impact of your work in this specific area.

Tips for delivering coaching feedback:

  • Share the measurable impact of the behavior
  • Ask the employee to bring examples of where they’ve performed well
  • Ask the employee to bring any areas they need help with 
  • Ask them to bring any ideas or suggestions for how you can work together to address them

7 simple rules for delivering feedback

Knowing what to say is a great place to start – but the way you deliver constructive feedback is just as important. 

These best practices will help you deliver the kind of feedback high-performing teams are made of.

1. Think before you speak

Ask yourself: 

  • What’s the context? 
  • What was your observation? 
  • What was the result that the other person should be aware of? 
  • And what are the expected next steps? 

This is called the CORE (or CORN if that’s your thing 🌽) model – it’s a handy framework that can help guide the conversation, regardless of whether you’re sharing praise or constructive criticism.

2. Use ‘we’ (not ‘I’)

Inclusive language shouldn’t be limited to your job descriptions. By making the simple switch from “I” to words like "we" and "us," you can use your feedback phrases to promote a sense of trust and teamwork.

Consider these two phrases, for example. Which one feels more empowering from the employee’s point of view?

  • "I" phrase: "I think you should focus on improving your performance in this area."
  • "We" phrase: "Let's work together to find ways we can improve our team's performance in this area."

3. Chuck the compliment sandwich

The “feedback sandwich” was created by Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics during the 1950s. She believed that: “No matter what you are criticizing, you must find something good to say—both before and after.”

While the concept of balancing praise and criticism is a good idea to have in mind, at the end of the day, negative feedback still tastes crappy – even when it’s sandwiched between two pieces of praise.

4. Ask questions

But more often than not, advice is painfully vague. It’s feedback that’s the real meat. Ask for feedback on specific areas where you want to improve or receive input, and let your employees reciprocate. The result is better conversations and increased productivity on both sides of the street.

5. Provide examples

Without a clear example to back it up, positive feedback can come across as inauthentic. Offer examples that are grounded in behavior and results to draw a clear line between the individual employee’s action and the specific goals of the team and broader organization.

6. Don’t mix feedback types

You might offer the best coaching feedback on the planet, but if you make the mistake of also introducing evaluation feedback into the mix, you throw it all out the window. Now the employee is lost in thought, wondering why they scored a 4 instead of a 5 on time management. Deliver one type of feedback at a time.

7. Stay focused on what’s in it for them

Whether it’s professional development or career progression, always aim to tie your feedback back to the employee’s goals. If you’re using a spreadsheet or performance management system to track and measure your goals, be sure to bring it with you to the appraisal so you and your team can track progress and celebrate successes together.

Performance management doesn’t have to be painful

Performance reviews shouldn’t feel like a chore for you or your employees. With the right words and the right approach, you can deliver feedback that empowers every employee to become the ultimate team player.

With Breezy Perform, performance reviews are quick, easy and a heckuva lot less painful than they used to be. 

You can access a library of prebuilt templates, use default questions and template answers to kickstart the conversation, and even submit or request feedback in a single click.

Make feedback a reality at your company. Try Breezy Perform free for 30 days to learn more.