Your dream candidate is creative, curious and thrives on hustle. They’re experienced (unless you plan to train them up) and have a solid grasp of marketing and advertising techniques. Plus they have great communication skills and knowledge of CRMs or marketing automation.
Top tips:
- Listen carefully: Look for clients who describe situations where they went above and beyond, created campaigns that sparkled and showed a super creative personality. You want someone who asks awesome questions that show they’ve done their homework and are familiar with your brand, competitors and customers.
- Think diversity: Diversity is key for a thriving workplace. Keep an eye out for management and exec-level candidates from varying backgrounds and aim to eliminate bias from your hiring process.
Advertising Account Manager interview questions
- What’s been your top creative moment?
- What are your favorite brands? Why do you love their campaigns?
- How do current advertising trends impact your work?
- Which of our clients would you most like to work with?
- How do we stand out compared to our competitors?
- Are your current clients B2B or B2C?
- Walk me through how you would sell something.
- How do you prioritize multiple clients?
- Have you ever dealt with a client who disagreed with your marketing strategy? What happened?
- How do you stay on budget?
- How would you rate your time-keeping skills?
- How does your current team handle reporting and analytics?
- Tell us about the top integrated campaigns you’ve worked on. Which channels did you use and why?
- What is your offline vs. online experience?
- Describe a time you successfully worked with a team.
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