About the Database Administrator position
We are looking for a professional database administrator (DBA) who will keep the database up and running smoothly 24/7. The goal is to provide a seamless flow of information throughout the companyÙ« considering both backend data structure and frontend accessibility for end-users.
You should be capable of productive collaboration with the development team to ensure system consistencyÙ« provide technical support and identify new requirements. You should also be organized and communicative.
Database Administrator responsibilities are:
- Create database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialised role
- Construct and implement database in accordance to end users information needs and views
- Ensure data distribution to the right userÙ« in appropriate format and in a timely manner
- Utilize high-speed transaction recovery techniques and backup data
- Ensure minimal database downtime and manage parameters to provide fast query responses
- Monitor database performanceÙ« implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required
- Document database policiesÙ« procedures and standardsÙ« and ensure they are followed by the team
- Organize tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data securityÙ« privacy and integrity
- Provide proactive and reactive data management support and training to users
Database Administrator requirements are:
- 2+ years' experience of working on a Database Administrator position
- Solid experience with database standards and end user applications
- Solid experience with data backupÙ« recoveryÙ« securityÙ« integrity and SQL
- Experience with DBA case tools (frontend or backend) and third party tools
- Good knowledge of database designÙ« documentation and coding
- Knowledge of programming languages API
- Strong problem solving skillsÙ« with algorithmical thinking
- BS degree in Computer Science or other relevant area
Frequently Asked Questions
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